
The story

The Redfogo Racing 818 Wiki was made in hopes to further bring 818 information in a nice quick and easy to find form.  I felt a quick page was needed to help bring together the information without needed an endless search. As I move forward in my build I hope to bring new information, gather quality content, and help further innovation in 818 building.

Who is redfogo

Just like every other car crazy person I love to build and race cars. I am a DIY guy working out of his garage.  I started off in a 1985 Toyota MR2 and later moved onto a 1991 Turbo MR2. My 91 Turbo Mr2 started me down the path of a speed and modification addiction. I have learned a tremendous amount along the way as I built my MR2s.   I enjoy the Mid-engine lay out so naturally I found the 818C to be the next step in the fun!